Saturday, April 17, 2010

ScottyBro Nash and BABES!!!

HEY! remember the dynamic duo were in such a freakin hurry 2 get their "Assisingear"...low and beh0ld the quandry of mankind changerd their gear's, MAN! look at those Babes was the first thing outta Nash's mouth, then in a friggin flash out came his camera, "Click" "Click" "Click" "Click" he was clicking the "Chic's" Bro! and like any hot blooded Scot our hero followed his lead, yuk,yuk, Man! these "Frauliens" are Special Nash was thinking, gee I hope Liz does'nt mind huh?, Airports have that Carnival expression, people who travel through them are mostly in the right frame of mind, Relaxed, Tanned,Rejuvenated, and Beaming, No matter what they were getting Nash and ScottyBro in the right frame of mind, and the download's back home will B theeee Sweeeetner of the day 4 Big Ed, Syd,Big Jim and Terry, Whatta friggin Blast!!!! Anyhooooo! after 2 hours in the Airport "THEY" headed 4 the LIMO!.

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